Free Software for Windows, Thunderbird related

Welcome to this page with some small Thunderbird related programs you might find useful.

All programs listed here are Windows only, but sources are included so you can adapt them to the Operating System of your choice.

For your information:
It has recently come to my attention that some of the programs available here are classified as virus and/or hacktool by a couple of anti virus programs. While I do my best to ensure these programs do nothing more than their stated purpose, it can be upsetting to some. My recommendation is to read and (try to) understand the accompanying source and compile this yourself. If necessary, there is a link near the bottom of the page for the editor and compiler.
A partial list of the anti virus programs giving false positives includes ArcaVir, A-Squared, AVAST, AVG, F-Secure, GData, Ikarus and Kaspersky.

Some Linux versions can be found at the KAOSMOS WEBSITE run by Paolo.

The available programs at this moment are:

Edit Thunderbird Forward

The only thing this program does, is to change the text for forwarding from Thunderbird a bit, hence its name: EditThunderbirdForward, abbreviated in 8 characters to EdtTbFwd. In essence, it removes the square brackets "[" and "]" from around the subject.

This program assumes that the program file Thunderbird.exe resides in C:\Program Files\Mozilla Thunderbird. In case this assumption should prove false, the program will prompt you for the correct location, starting with the above mentioned default location and the name thunderbird.exe already filled in. Should you be prompted for the location while it is correct, the problem will most likely turn out to be that Thunderbird is still running.

This program may be distributed freely and if distributed should be free of charge. However, this text and the source should always be included with the distribution. If you wish to adapt this program and distribute it yourself, you may do so, but please send me a copy.

As for installation, just put the executable wherever you feel it belongs or run it straight from the .zip file if it is a one-time thing. Given that you will have to run this program again whenever you upgrade your Thunderbird, I doubt the latter.

You may have to instruct your firewall that the changed program is legitimate and needs all the internet access the original program had.

As an alternative, you can also use the QuoteAndComposeManager extension by Paolo.

Cut Mbox

The only thing this program does, is to copy the contents of an mbox file to a number of smaller mbox files, each holding one message. These output files will be in the same location and have the same file name as the source mbox file, but with an undersore, a sequence number and the extension .mbx added. It is strongly suggested not to run this program on files in the Thunderbird profile, but only on copies in other locations as Thunderbird will pick up these files.

This program will also remove some minor corruptions. In case the first part of the source mbox file does not begin with "From - ", this part will be placed in a separate file with sequence number zero. The other minor corruption wich can be removed is the presence of data with the value of x'00'. Given that such data should not occur in an mbox file, such data will be skipped.

This program may be distributed freely and if distributed should be free of charge. However, this text and the source should always be included with the distribution. If you wish to adapt this program and distribute it yourself, you may do so, but please send me a copy.

As for installation, just put the executable wherever you feel it belongs or run it straight from the .zip file if it is a one-time thing.

There is also a minor variation available that will cut the mbox in chunks of 500 messages. It can be downloaded as Cut Mbox D.

For this program, there is also a Linux version available at the KAOSMOS WEBSITE.

Cut to eml

The only thing this program does, is to copy the contents of an mbox file to a number of smaller eml files, each holding one message. These output files will be in the same location and have the same file name as the source mbox file, but with an undersore, a sequence number and the extension .eml added.

This program will also remove some minor corruptions. In case the first part of the source mbox file does not begin with "From - ", this part will be placed in a separate file with sequence number zero. The other minor corruption wich can be removed is the presence of data with the value of x'00'. Given that such data should not occur in an mbox file, such data will be skipped.

This program is an adapted copy of Cut Mbox, described above.

This program may be distributed freely and if distributed should be free of charge. However, this text and the source should always be included with the distribution. If you wish to adapt this program and distribute it yourself, you may do so, but please send me a copy.

As for installation, just put the executable wherever you feel it belongs or run it straight from the .zip file if it is a one-time thing.

Eml to mbx

The only thing program this does, is to copy the contents of an eml file to an mbox file. This output file will be in the same location and have the same file name as the source eml file, but with the extension .mbx instead of .eml.

This program will also remove some minor corruptions. The only minor corruption wich can be removed at present is the presence of data with the value of x'00'. Given that such data should not occur in an eml or mbox file, such data will be skipped.

This program may be distributed freely and if distributed should be free of charge. However, this text and the source should always be included with the distribution. If you wish to adapt this program and distribute it yourself, you may do so, but please send me a copy.

As for installation, just put the executable wherever you feel it belongs or run it straight from the .zip file if it is a one-time thing.

The program will accept a filename as input parameter, so it can (after proper association) be run by clicking on an .eml file. Additionally, to make batch conversions of large numbers of .eml files easier, there is a small batchfile with the name batchconvert.bat included. Just put this batchfile together with eml2mbx.exe in the folder containing the .eml files and start it.

Thunderbird Reset Status

The only thing this program does, is to copy the contents of an mbox file to another mbox file with the same name, but with the extension .mbx while resetting the value of X-Mozilla-Status to zero. The output file will be in the same location and have the same file name as the source mbox file, but with the extension .mbx added.

This program will also remove some minor corruptions. The only minor corruption wich can be removed is the presence of data with the value of x'00'. Given that such data should not occur in an mbox file, such data will be skipped.

This program is an adapted copy of Cut Mbox, described above, but it won't cut the mbox any more.

This program may be distributed freely and if distributed should be free of charge. However, this text and the source should always be included with the distribution. If you wish to adapt this program and distribute it yourself, you may do so, but please send me a copy.

As for installation, just put the executable wherever you feel it belongs or run it straight from the .zip file if it is a one-time thing.

Update 2008-04-12:
This program now accepts a file name as parameter. And just to make things a bit easier, don't worry about passing the .msf file by accident (or even deliberately), the program will drop the .msf file extension and operate on the mbox file with the same name and without extension. However, this functionality is only available when passing the file name as a parameter. When selecting the file after starting the program, you will need to select an mbox file.

For this program, there is also a Linux version available at the KAOSMOS WEBSITE.

Extra: Additional programs

With these additional programs, the status of multiple mbox files can be reset automatically in batch mode.
First there is a batchfile named batchreset.bat. That will invoke Thunderbird Reset Status for every .msf file it finds in the directory where it is present and all sub-directories.
Second there is a batchfile named batchcleanup. This will invoke a program called resetcleanup for every .msf file it finds in the directory where it is present and all sub-directories. This program will write another batch file withinstructions to delete the .msf file and the original mbox file and to rename the .mbx file to a file with the same name but with no extension. This batch file will be executed automatically and removed immediately after execution to prevent problems like the deletion of the newly renamed mbox files.
In this way the status of all messages within a complete profile can be reset.

Restriction: The batchfiles need at least Windows 2000.

Use at your own risk. A good backup is strongly recommended.

Thunderbird Status Count

The only thing this program does, is to:
- count the number of messsages in an mbox file
- count the number of X-Mozilla-Status lines in that mbox file and copy them to a count file, preceded by the sequence number of the message

The output file will be in the same location and have the same file name as the source mbox file, but with the extension .cnt added. The first line of the output file will contain the name and location of the mbox file that served as input. If the number of messages counted and the number of status lines counted differ, a last line with those numbers will be included.

With very limited effort the output file can be converted to a .csv for further manipulation in a spreadsheet program like MS Excell.

This program may be distributed freely and if distributed should be free of charge. However, this text and the source should always be included with the distribution. If you wish to adapt this program and distribute it yourself, you may do so, but please send me a copy.

As for installation, just put the executable wherever you feel it belongs or run it straight from the .zip file if it is a one-time thing.

The program will also accept a filename as input parameter, so it can be invoked by a small batchfile with the name batch_count.bat (included in the .zip file). Just put this batchfile together with tbstscnt.exe in the folder containing the mbox files and start it. You will probably see a window with a black background appear and be able to read what is going on. This is completely normal.

Unfortunately, due to standard Thunderbird mbox files not having a file extension, association is not really possible.

These programs were written and compiled with the LCC-Win32 editor and compiler.

If you downloaded one of these programs and it worked to your satisfaction, I wouldn't mind feedback. If you encountered problems, I would appreciate the feedback so I can improve the program. In all cases the relevant e-mail address is in the readme.txt included in the .zip file.

Please do come back in the future to see if there are updates and/or more programs available.

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